A Happy Moment with Rev. Fr. Etienne Frecon (V.G of MEP) at Kalay Diocese (21-23.3.2023)

A Happy Moment with Rev. Fr. Etienne Frecon (V.G of MEP)

With great love and joy the Bishop and Priests of Kalay Diocese welcomed the current Vicar General of MEP Rev. Fr. Etienne Frecon at Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Kalaymyo on the evening of March 21. 2023. He spent two nights and one full day in Kalaymyo .
He offered holy Mass for the Diocese of Kalay and shared his love and mission experiences to the Bishop and Priests of Kalay Diocese.
The returned from Kalaymyo this morning. We are happy for his visit and praying for the greater success of his mission.
Piantit gam pan ei Kawlgam leh a diak diak in Khamtung gam ah Pasian thu puak aa hong pai masa Missionary te sung pan tu laitak in Vicar General a sem Rev. Fr. Etienne ei kiang ah hong March 21 ni-in hong hawh hi.
A mah in Siadawpa leh ei kiang aa om a topa te uh tawh ki muh khopna nei hi.
A maute in Pasian thu a hong puak bek thamlo in ih Diocese sungah zong nidang pan ki pan huhna tampi hong pia khin uh hi.
Tu laitak MEP topa te ei Kalay Diocese min tawh Kawlgam ah thum om in ei kiangah khat om hi.
Amah pen tuni zingsang in ciah kik hi. Amaute Pasian nasepna a tang zai zawh sem sem nang thu ngetsak ciat ni.

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