Preparation for Synod of Bishops, Diocese Level at Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Kalaymyo.

Synod of Bishops aa ding ki ginkholhna

Preparation for Synod of Bishops was successfully done in Parish level and Diocese Level in Kalay Diocese on (13.12.2021). Thanks be to God and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten and keep guiding all the leaders of the Church continually.

Siadawpa makaihna tawh Synod of Bishops aa ding ki ginkholhna pen Parish Level leh Diocese Level in ki man siangta a hih manin ih Biak Topa Pasian tungah lungdam hi. Kha Siangtho Pasian in ih Pawpi sungah pan mun len te lam hong lak in a hong tonpih den nangin thu ngen ciat ni.

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